spring equinox
Glory x Cord Cutting x The Keys
top: rosemary + sage
middle: fresh linen
base: mint mojito
we wanted to give you guys a perfect spring cleaning tool for this upcoming Spring Equinox and the astrological new year reset! our limited edition Spring Equinox candle is another layered candle, this time with a never seen before edition! containing Glory on top, Cord Cutting in the middle, and finishing with a The Keys base. this candle is perfect to remove spiritual build up, refresh the body mind & spirit, cut/sever ties to anything limiting us, release internal and external weights, and then finish up with creating room for BIG blessings for this upcoming year!
this is the perfect candle to bring in the new year with and is also as a 3 mini for the price of 1! this batch of Glory was specially infused with our own egg shells and this batch of the Keys was specially infused with Hollyhock flowers (as well as topped with them) EACH CANDLE also comes with a crystal hidden under the glory section, you can use this crystal as a mini reading to see what area of your life may need extra cleansing.