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4 mini treats in one box! designed to be prepacked and ready to be gifted to yourself, a loved one, or put under any holiday tree. also a perfect design for anyone who would like to sample all of our spiritual offerings (ritual bars, bath brews, candles) without commiting to a full priced item first. each gift box comes with a free goodie bag of 4 crystals!


Gifts Included:

Bright Lights is intended to spark creativity, motivation, dedication to your craft, and allow the creation within you to expand! made with an unreleased spiritual awakening oil that was brewed up in pisces szn. use this bar before work, when open to expansion and or want to tap into your creation! each ritual bar contains a clear quartz crystal & shaped like a tree! scented: cucumber, melon & pineapple


Preserved Purity is infused with an eclipse transferred body mind + spirit spiritual oil. an essential to ridding yourself of negative energy, people, and thoughts. it's great to use daily + pair along with any working to ensure your body mind + spirit are starting on a clean pallet. each ritual bar is in the shape of a snowflake & comes with a fluorite crystal! scented: frozen woods


Melting Barriers mini comes in a snowman mini mug & is scented peppermint mocha. intended to break down barriers in any situation. intended to bring you clarity on the obstacles in the way of your desires, as well as assist in “melting” them down. as you guys know, i’m big on INTENTION. as you watch it burn, envision your desires that are currently “frozen” in snow and unable to come to you. as you chant your petition, envision the snow melting away freeing your petition. burn alongside any other candle if there’s a specific intention in mind or burn alone for general obstacle busting.


Prophetic Pillars is infused with spiritual awakening oil, these phophetic pillars are intended to aid you in messages from your spiritual court and ancestors. for best use, use these pillars with a specific question, before bed for astral answers, or after a spiritual working and watch as a color comes out for more clarity. you can also use these as a general mini reading! color codes and meanings will be included on the label.

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